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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Of Guardians, Gods, and Goddesses is LIVE!


What?  I’m excited!  I got the technical glitches worked out, I’m back on the publishing trail, and I’m enjoying it!

In case you missed it yesterday, Of Guardians, Gods, and Goddesses went live on yesterday!  Woooo hooo!  Here is the beautiful cover done by KiratheArtist!

The buy link is HERE!

I know I’ve said it before but I really want to thank everyone for being patient with me while I worked out the technical issues.  I appreciate your patience, patronage, and encouragement.  I even appreciate the prodding.  It is cold and flu season here, too.  A cold always makes me drag my butt for a few days.  So I had a few days when signing into Facebook and seeing the message “Where’s my book?” or my favorite “Give me what I want!” made me chuckle before opening my laptop and getting back to work.

You all are truly awesome and I am really grateful to finally have something to contribute to my community.

Most of my life I have tried one creative thing after another trying to find something to contribute to the community of mankind.  Seriously, I’ve tried pottery, sewing, knitting, and even calligraphy.  I was actually pretty good at calligraphy.  Pottery and sewing?  Eh!  One day I’ll post pictures of my finished products that will show why I gave them up.  Though it was fun trying.  Knitting?  *LOL*  Seriously laughing out loud.  My poor knitting teacher.  She stood over me, giving me step-by-step instructions that I followed to the letter.  So tell me why every time I held up my yarn everything unraveled?  She was in a quandary.  I remember vividly her saying, “I don’t understand why it’s not staying together.”

Meanwhile, I was doodling little stories and pieces of stories and tossing them in a file cabinet.  It isn’t that I didn’t think story telling wasn’t a worthy contribution.  It’s just that my stories were so different from what I was finding on library and bookstore shelves.  I thought I’d be the only one entertained by my stories.  That’s why I am so grateful and thankful to find that there are others who enjoy my stories just as much as I do.

So if I seem gushy with the thanks, it is because I am really happy to have people to share them with and I appreciate each and every one of you.

Okay.  Enough with the mushy stuff.  Keep an eye out for Elyrian Husbands coming March 30, 2015. 

Oh!  And I’m or rather Stormy Reddick is still working through the technical issues with Black Silk and Silken Death.  I’ll keep you all posted!

So that’s tricks.  Wishing you a great day and, no matter what you’re reading HAPPY READING!!!!


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